Welcome: to the Music of    "MONTANA"  Morss
     Originally from Galesburg Illinois. 50 Miles West of Peoria. Living in and around Nashville since 1990. For the last 18 yrs., Living in Rural Tennessee, 40 miles S.E. of Nashville.
My Music: A Combination of Many Styles and Genre's!  From Country & Southern Rock, to Music from my Parents Day, Big Band - War Time Songs - and Cowboy Songs that were so Dominant during my Childhood. All mixed together to Create the Music Recipe of  "Montana"

     Starting Guitar at the Age of 9, I Immediately began Writing. Coming from a Musical Family on my Mothers side, Norma, and from my Father, Harold, the Lyrics. Soon Playing & Singing with my Family at P.T.A.'s and Homecoming's. In Fact, the First Band I was in, my Mother played Piano. At 14 Yrs. Old, I was in my 2nd Band, "the Plainsmen", & the "Midstate Opry". Playing many Venues & Radio. At 15 Yrs. Old I became a "Disc Jockey" on a 50,000 Watt Country FM Station for 2 Yrs. Later at W.P.U.L. Radio in Florida, for a short time. Also Featured on Various TV Shows Named in the TV Guide.
     In the  70's, I Began a Band, "the Silver City Revue" that Lasted 10 Years. The next Era, I Joined an Established Group from Ft. Madison, Iowa, called the Ozone Ramblers for 2 Yrs. In 1990-1994 I Toured with a Group, "the Why Not Band". Through those Yrs. I was Writing and Perfecting my Songwriting Skills. Always know for my Writing, Guitar Playing, & Strong Vocals. Married in 1996. And in 2000, After the "Lord" had been Pursuing me since Childhood, I "Surrendered". For 16 Yrs. I have Tailored my Writing Toward Alcohol & Drugs. Singing & Testifying at the Women's Nashville Rescue Mission for 10 yrs., and 7 yrs. at the Men's. Including Rehabilitation Programs, & Church's. 
     2016 I Co-Wrote & Recorded 2 Singles for "Red Hen Record's" at "Daywind Studios". Now in Full Time "Music Ministry". And a Campaign for National Bookings. To Spread the "Word of Faith", And Share my Testimony.

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                                       "Feeding the Word of God, to a Hungry World"